Testimonies /About

Xose (Acrylic custom model)
“I just played it half hour but I am amazed about how good it sounds…It resonates beautifully, exactly as I expected or even better!
The quality level on the instrument is top notch but specially the fretboard and the feeling…the comfort is as good as my EGC King Buzzo sig.
So I just can say congratulations and thank you for your amazing work. I’m not a very active person on social media but I will recommend personally to everyone that plays guitar to work with you.”

JB from Ez3kiel / Grauss Boutique (LLLIVE03 Bass)
“Après une bonne poignée de concerts et une session studio. Je peux maintenant affirmer avec assurance que cette basse et une vériable tuerie!
Je suis fan de tout! De la prise en main, du profil du manche, de l’action, du son…
C´est un travail de fou! En rendant un instrument simple mais completement destructeur. Je n’ai que des avis positifs et retour egalement (ingé son live et studio, public surtout qui me demande d’ou ça sort…)
Elle marche merveilleusement avec mes effets, on a pu bosser un trucs super ou je rentre dans l’audio in d’un moog avec ez3kiel. Ça marche de fou contrairement à une fender custom shop qui n’arrivait pas à produire une tel réponse!
Bref j’en finis pas d’explorer des trucs!”

“After quite some concerts and one studio session , i can tell for sure it is a Killer bass ! It is an amazing work ! I only have positive reviews from different people (sound engineers , musicians, etc…) …… It works like crazy , much better than a fender custom shop which could not produce such sounds ! It is a never-ending discovery.”

Joe from Sitting duck (Custom model guitar with wooden fretboard):
“Thanks David. I’m getting blown up everywhere and am singing your praise. I wouldn’t doubt people will be contacting you from me!
Got my guitar. Here are some notes:
Amazing, love it, HAMMER , power, beauty.”

Francesco from Petty Cassettes (full aluminium bass):
“Just finished a recording session in one of the best studio in Glasgow.
Out of the case the bass took everyone’s breath away,. Once plugged it took their souls too hahah
Best sounding work-horse I have ever had. If you’re in doubt get in contact cause you won’t regret it.”


Loving guitars and especially rare guitars I always wanted to have an aluminium neck one and produce some for friends playing in the very nice bands i was listening to. Moreover having as well a noise rock record Label this idea became more and more obsessive throughout the years seeing bands playing nice alu axes and all. TTTides Guitars is finally born after 10 years of thinking designing and not sleeping very well …